Revenues and Expenses 2004 – 2011 — NCAA Division III Intercollegiate Athletics Programs Report |
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DescriptionPublished October 2012. This report provides summary information concerning revenues and expenses of NCAA Division III athletics programs for the fi scal years 2004 through 2011. It is the result of data collected in the fall of each of those years. Although similar studies have been conducted for the NCAA since 1969, signifi cant changes in data collection and reporting render previous reports non-comparable to those of 2004 and beyond. Objectives. The primary objective of the 2012 edition of the report is to update the information provided in previous reports concerning financial aspects of intercollegiate athletics programs. A second objective is to provide an analysis of expense trends of NCAA Division III athletics programs and its two defi ned subgroups – schools with football and those without. A third objective is to provide data relevant to gender issues.