In the Arena:  The NCAA's First Century

In the Arena:  The NCAA's First Century

In the Arena: The NCAA's First Century
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Dimensions:11.1 x 8.6 x 0.7
Price: $12.00 

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DescriptionA new book by former University of Nevada President Joseph N. Crowley kicks off the celebration of the NCAA's 100th birthday in 2006. Crowley chronicles the development of the modern-day NCAA, with special attention on the history of the last 25 years. The book pays particular attention to the evolution of major legislation, the increasing role of women and minorities in the Association, the effect of litigation and governmental influence, and ongoing changes in rules enforcement. Crowley, author of "No Equal in the World: An Interpretation of the Academic Presidency" and "The Constant Conversation," also monitors the increasing role of college and university presidents in the governance of the Association. The generously illustrated book will be a must read for those who want to better understand the uniquely American enterprise of intercollegiate athletics.