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2015 NCAA Football Instant Replay Casebook
2014 NCAA Football Instant Replay Casebook
2013 AND 2014 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations
2013 NCAA Football Instant Replay Casebook
2012 AND 2013 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations
This pdf includes the latest updates and information pertaining to Football Rules and Interpretations. Updated August 2012.
2012 NCAA Football Instant Replay Casebook (June 2012)
Instant replay is a process whereby video review is used to confirm, reverse or let stand certain on-field decisions (Rule 12-3) made by game officials.

The instant replay process operates under the fundamental assumption that the ruling on the field is correct. The replay official may reverse a ruling if and only if the video evidence convinces him beyond all doubt that the ruling was incorrect. Without such indisputable video evidence, the replay official must allow the ruling to stand.
2010 Football Statisticians' Manual
2011 Football Statisticians' Manual
2011 NCAA Football Instant Replay Casebook (June 2011)
The instant replay process operates under the fundamental assumption that the ruling on the field is correct. The replay official may reverse a ruling if and only if the video evidence convinces him beyond all doubt that the ruling was incorrect. Without such indisputable video evidence, the replay official must allow the ruling to stand.
2011-2012 Football Rule Book (2 Year Publication)
2009 Football Statisticians' Manual
Official statistics rules, including special interpretations and approved rulings.
2009-10 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations (2 Year Publication)
The NCAA produces rules of play for football in this book. The book contains diagrams of playing areas, official signals, and official interpretations and rulings.
2008 Football Statisticians Manual
Official statistics rules, including special interpretations and approved rulings.
2008 Football Rules Book
The NCAA produces rule of play in 15 sports. Each book contains diagrams of playing areas, official signals, and official interpretations and rulings.
2007 Football Rules and Interpretations
Football Rules and Interpretations
2006 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations
2005 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations
2004 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations
2003 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations
2002 NCAA Football Rules and Interpretations
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