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2025 and 2026 Baseball Rules Book
2023 and 2024 Baseball Rules Book
2021 and 2022 Baseball Rules and Interpretations
2019 and 2020 Baseball Rules and Interpretations
Baseball 2017 and 2018 Rules and Interpretations
2015 and 2016 Baseball Rule Book (Due late Fall 2014)
Baseball 2015 and 2016 Rules and Interpretations
2013 and 2014 Baseball Rule Book
2011-2012 Baseball Rules (2 Year Publication)
2010 Baseball Records Book
Record Books contain single-game, season and career records, plus coaching records, collegiate records, conference standings, attendance leaders, and award winners.
2009 Baseball Records
Many of the publications offered by the NCAA appeal to the collegiate sports fan, novice and experienced alike. All record books contain single game, season, and career records, plus coaching records, conference standings, attendance leaders, and award winners.
2008 Baseball Records
2008 Baseball Rules
The NCAA produces rules of play in 15 sports. Each book contains diagrams of playing areas, official signals, and official interpretations and rulings.
Official Baseball/Softball Scorebook
Official Baseball/Softball Scorebook Covers 75 games.
2007 Baseball Rules
The NCAA produces rules of play in 15 sports. Each book contains diagrams of playing areas, official signals, and official interpretations and rulings.
2006 NCAA Baseball Rules
The following are editorial changes to the playing rules. Although the editorial changes are minor, it is the rules committee’s intent to inform umpires, coaches, administrators and players of all changes in the 2001 rules book.
2005 NCAA Baseball Rules
The following are editorial changes to the playing rules. Although the editorial changes are minor, it is the rules committee’s intent to inform umpires, coaches, administrators and players of all changes in the 2001 rules book.
2004 NCAA Baseball Rules
The following are editorial changes to the playing rules. Although the editorial changes are minor, it is the rules committee’s intent to inform umpires, coaches, administrators and players of all changes in the 2001 rules book.
2003 NCAA Baseball Rules
The following are editorial changes to the playing rules. Although the editorial changes are minor, it is the rules committee’s intent to inform umpires, coaches, administrators and players of all changes in the 2001 rules book.
2002 NCAA Baseball Rules
The following are editorial changes to the playing rules. Although the editorial changes are minor, it is the rules committee’s intent to inform umpires, coaches, administrators and players of all changes in the 2001 rules book.
The Official National Collegiate Athletic Association Baseball and Softball Scorebook
Contemporary Format With Scoring Space for 75 Games/Official Scoring Rules and Instructions for Scoring. 

The Official NCAA Baseball/Softball Scorebook is published and distributed by the
National Collegiate Athletic Association to provide coaches and officials with a uniform,
official scorebook. Its use as an official scoring form, especially for all collegiate games, will
standardize baseball and softball scoring and assure a proper and complete record of all
games played, whether home or away.

Most experienced scorers have developed their own particular method for scoring a game.
This book is designed to allow the continued use of those individual scorekeeping methods
within the overall framework of a standardized form. The scoring boxes have been
designed with the least possible intrusion upon individual scoring methods.
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